03 June 2008

School Maps!!!

I love Freecycle. Through it, I got an email from a woman who has about 50 old school maps...and I immediately sent her one back saying I want like five.

She said she would hang on to a few of them until I get back into town! I am so excited. I want to do things like THIS in my house:

[via NIBS]

In other news, I am going to pick up two vintage typewriters via Craigslist, along with a couple of file cabinets that I want to wallpaper with pretties and I'm still on the look-out for a sweet standing coat-rack. My mom recently told me that I am going to have the "most eclectic, weirdest, quirkiest house". She has NO idea ;)


Rosemary/sonrie said...

No way...!!! I can't believe this is you. It was me who posted for the maps...they are being saved for you. You are going to love them!! This is so crazy. :)

Lara said...

haha funny how the stars align.
this is such a cool idea! i'd love to hang one in my apartment, are there any more left?

Kaylen said...

This is INSANE! I read the comment in my email and I got goosebumps...holy bejeezus...AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kaylen- you have a wonderful blog here! I'll be back. :)

Martha B. (of nibs)

Laura said...

AH Freecycle!
AH Craigslist!
AH old maps & typewriters & having a quirky home!

I love you & wish I had your luck for finding such fabulous free goodies.