22 February 2008


(via Kaj Bjurman)

EEEEEEE. Sorry for the lack of posting the last couple of days. Pete had a snow day off yesterday, so we hung out ALL DAY LONG (something that hasn't happened in weeks). Then today, one of my classes got canceled, but the other one is still on (I'm sitting in it right now, actually). BUT Wilson School was canceled (my after-school job) so it's pretty much a snow day for me.

Me and Pete don't have a whole lot of plans for today. First of all, we're going to go see Be Kind Rewind at the Chase around 2 today. We are both so excited about it.

Then I think we're just going to hang out. Maybe we'll go visit poor lil Louie (he's sick) and hang out with my family, or maybe we'll just sit around watching The Office. I don't know.

Unfortunately, the snow isn't really snow, it's more...ice. We had ice pellets raining from the sky all day yesterday. It was weird. I don't think I had ever seen anything like that before. I shall post pictures later today, from a couple of different things...I've been behind with the pictures on my camera. :(

1 comment:

Laura said...

Us too!
This is our second "snow" day in a row & it is sooo nice.
I don't even have to go into work because the bookstore closes when the university closes.
I've been able to get so much done around the house.
Have fun on your snow day!