I spend many hours a week trolling home decor blogs. And I have a folder on my computer that is 9.82 GB of "inspiration" pictures - how I want my house to look or things to make and just general loveliness.
So, here are some of my recent favorites.

Seen here - this bathroom bureau just oozes awesomeness to me. I want a place for everything! I would paint it a bright color, though...white ca be boring sometimes. Especially in rentals, because all the wall colors are typically white.

Seen here - I LOVE the composition of this bookshelf. But it's blandly-colored. Where are those bright punches of color I so love?!

Seen here - THERE they are! I loves it. This is all about cookbook organization (something me and Sarah are having issues with - all different sizes and shapes!) and I really like the modge-podge of stuff all over this picture.
And finally, all hail...

Seen here - OH MY GOSH. This looks like heaven.
And that reminds me of a shirt that mom bought for me when I was in 3rd grade, maybe - "I've always imagined that heaven would be some kind of library." - Jorge Luis Borges
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